Friday, December 21, 2012

Reason saves,not that forever dead cult leader!

     Reason saves us when we properly use it, whilst the very notion of Yeshua as our savior betrays morality and - humanity!
     We mainly do good. Our doing wrong goes against others,never against the putative Deity! We perforce then are not sinners deserving of eternal Hell or annihilation.
     To sin means to act against His will, but His will has no right to rule us or judge us anyway: we are independent beings! Theologian John Piper clamours that as the Deity ranks to the utmost any sin against Him also ranks to the utmost,deserving Hell for the perpetrator. No, punishment must be proportionate to the wrong. And again, no relation exists betwixt Him and us for judging. 
      No rational and decent being would ever have Hell and never would have blood sacrifice done for expiation or for any other reason! Those two notions bespeak barbarism?
      Why then would any rational and decent human want to worship  such a monster? Paul Copan claims that He is no such monster, but he belies the truth.
      France's Reign of Terror  with the Goddess of Reason betrayed reason!    
      Yet Piper and other theologians and apologists have the temerity of calling us sinners, deserving of Hell! We should ever mock such fools!   
      At our level of consciousness,whence we gain our rights and liberties, not from the Deity or from the state, per Lamberth's argument from autonomy, we know that evil is evil,never any reason for divine neglect. 
      All should overcome the superstition that is religion : let reason rule!
     Yes, some people just cannot overcome this superstition.  
      What  dio you think about all this?

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