Friday, January 4, 2013

Reason answers the argument from reason!
     Plantinga errs in how he perceives natural selection's acting. It,  through adaptation, makes living things acting fairly well, not perfectly acting. Thus, we could not assume that it would make our faculties find the truth as he notes, but instead helps them do so. We need instruments to help our faculties and experiments and inter-subjectivity to find truths. So, no need to postulate divine telos- intent- ,teleology- for our ultimately finding them.
    Sure, we can proceed to live on falsehoods but some of them would damage us.
     I take it that he'd answer that why, demons perhaps cause us to err just as he answers that they might cause natural evils. He  bespeaks animism. His is theism as Lamberth's reduced animism is claims indeed such and just as full animism or polytheism with their many, theism with its one is superstition as no supernatural intent of any kind exists!
    So Plantinga  misuses gargantually his mind for the cause of woo!

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